
The ultimate brainstorming exercise!
Contributed by

Julieta Varsano

Published April 07, 2023

What Is 10-for-10?

One of the most common types of workshops that every designer, PM or consultant will have to run in their lives is the plain and simple Brainstorming Workshop. There are literally billions of Brainstorming workshop styles out there you can choose from… But, many of them are completely broken because of one big thing: They end up being big, messy discussions where the loudest person wins... or where the boss wins. This is because many Brainstorming techniques don't take human-nature, implied hierarchies or even varied personalities into consideration.

Why Do 10-for-10?

The 10 for 10 workshop helps teams to think quickly and objectively and be focussed with their prioritisation. It's lightweight, fun and super useful! The only thing you need to start a 10 for 10 session is a topic. Since you can use this method to brainstorm almost anything, there are very few limitations, still, it's always better to give some examples:

  • Generating ideas for a company event
  • Generating ideas for new features for an app
  • Generating headline ideas for a new landing page
  • Generating ideas to improve your office environment

How to do 10-for-10?

All you have to do as the facilitator of a 10 for 10 session is turn the topic you want to Brainstorm into a "How Might We" phrased challenge. This is very simple. Essentially you are rephrasing whatever challenge or topic you have into something that is actionable!

Check out a step-by-step guide by AJ&Smart on how to execute a successful 10-for-10 session in the Look at 10-for-10 section below!

Is there something you've been stuck on? Why don't you take it for a test run? Try it out with your team or client! It only takes 10 minutes to see how powerful something like this can be in practice!

So the steps are:

  1. Set the challenge to the participants
  2. Give people 5 minutes to create as many ideas as possible
  3. Give people 1 minutes to select their top 10 ideas, discard the rest
  4. Let each participant stick their top 10 ideas on a white board or wall
  5. Read out all the sticky notes to the room, remove duplicates
  6. Give people 10 votes in the form of sticky dots
  7. Give the participants 3 minutes to vote (ie stick sticky dots on sticky notes)
  8. Re-order the sticky notes by votes
  9. Voila! You are done!

Look at 10-for-10

Links we love

Check out these great links which can help you dive a little deeper into running the 10-for-10 practice with your team, customers or stakeholders.

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