A new beginning for my personal website (and email)
So with the move to my new HEY email address I've decided to move my blog over to HEY World.
So with the move to my new HEY email address I've decided to move my blog over to HEY World.
I’ve hacked together a quick experiment that allows you to embed OpenAPI Spec inside a Hugo site.
Update - this site has now moved to world.hey.com I’ve had it in the back of my mind for a while to move this site to be a statically generated site to escape the constant admin and update cycles of wordpress and over the weekend I finally
Update 1:  I’ve recently moved to a static website based on Hugo and hosted on Netlify Update 2: I recently migrated this site to world.hey.com Update 3: I recently left HEY and migrated this site to ghost.org As I’m a bit of a geek at
When I was thinkÂing of what this site used to look like I thought of the InterÂnet Archive’s Way Back Machine and funny enough I found tenfourty.com on it. Who would have thought that a lowly perÂsonal site would have a snapÂshot kept for
This is my first blog post in quite some time. I used to have a perÂsonal webÂsite and blog on tenfourty.com quite some time ago, but I got really busy at work and stopped updatÂing it before evenÂtuÂally takÂing it down when the