Emergency Conference Speaker Required!
I had the slightly dubious privilege this week of standing in at the last-minute as a speaker at a Military conference on security in Prague.
On Tuesday at 4:30pm I found out that we needed someone to speak at a conference in Prague the next day… slightly foolishly I volunteered and 24 hours later I found myself presenting!
The conference was the “International Conference ITTE 2011 — Cyber Security and Defense” - https://www.afcea.cz/ My topic was “Open Source and Security: Engineering Security by Design” and I had to brush up a bit on the content as it’s not something I had ever presented on before.
Still it went OK I think and I enjoyed my brief 24 hours in Prague — though not to the 24 hours before sweating and prepping for the talk and the panel discussion that followed afterwards.
Here are my slides: Open Source and Security: Engineering Security by Design