Engineering Management
The Four Must-Have Weekly Meetings for Engineering Managers 🗓️
A Guide to Effective Team Management Through Weekly Rituals
Engineering Management
A Guide to Effective Team Management Through Weekly Rituals
Introducing the Mobius Loop framework and the Open Practice Library a framework you can use to build your own!
Innovation comes from rapid experimentation and process rather than pure genius.
Boost collaboration and prevent burnout with the 20% Rule
The core of collaboration: how principles shape our work and fuel progress.
Engaged product teams continuously creating impactful outcomes by learning and making decisions through their weekly interactions with users.
Things were pretty sucky initially. I can now sit in my spaceship and type away for a couple hours on a newsletter post with chilled beats.
Teams get work done and are the fundamental building block in organisations. Team experiences determines engagement.
Imagine turning the "hallway track" into the main event, that is what Open Space Technology does for an event.
Issue No. 11 📰This is a project by Jeremy Brown. I write about topics that I care about, such as building high performing teams that make great products, culture, leadership and technology. As I'm building this newsletter (and a podcast and YouTube channel) in the open, you will
This great book on leadership comes with some of the best advice and principles I've read and a built-in cautionary tale.
Reasons to spend your company's money and people's time to run Kubernetes.