I tried working in VR (so you don't have to!)
Things were pretty sucky initially. I can now sit in my spaceship and type away for a couple hours on a newsletter post with chilled beats.
Things were pretty sucky initially. I can now sit in my spaceship and type away for a couple hours on a newsletter post with chilled beats.
Hi Folks, Here it is! The new version of my website! 🚀 You have been following my blog at “HEY! World”, and you know I decided to migrate away from HEY! for email and my blog. So if you are receiving this in your email, you were subscribed to my old
I've decided not to renew my HEY email subscription which means that my HEY World blog will be taken down from tomorrow.
So with the move to my new HEY email address I've decided to move my blog over to HEY World.
Use AppPolice for the Mac to control how much CPU the BlueJeans for Mac app can use (100% or 1 core seems to work) so that your computer is usable while using video and your battery won’t be zeroed by a one hour call.
I’ve hacked together a quick experiment that allows you to embed OpenAPI Spec inside a Hugo site.
TL;DR The Apple TV 4 can run Plex or Kodi (XBMC) directly and play all my Movies, TV Shows and Music from my QNAP NAS. It’s quite a sweet setup. I’ve finally had a bit of time to work on a project I’ve had on my
Update - this site has now moved to I’ve had it in the back of my mind for a while to move this site to be a statically generated site to escape the constant admin and update cycles of wordpress and over the weekend I finally
SomeÂtimes when you run a script with AnsiÂble it requires an interÂacÂtive prompt like y/n or someÂthing similar. I recently ran into this probÂlem and after a bit of head bashÂing I found the folÂlowÂing soluÂtion in a litÂ
I have a new MacÂBook Pro 13″ Retina (early 2015) that is pretty amazÂing, howÂever when I plugged it into my large exterÂnal disÂplay at the office fonts became really blurry and ugly, so bad that I could barely look at the display! After a
As we use ZimÂbra at work I decided to install ZimÂbra DeskÂtop for offline email, howÂever I ran into a bit of a snag because after downÂloadÂing it and folÂlowÂing the instalÂlaÂtion instrucÂtions I had the folÂlowÂing
I’ve been a hardÂcore Apple/Mac/OS X fanÂboy ever since the first Intel Macs came out and since I made the switch from WinÂdows I’ve never really look back. HowÂever I’ve always had this nigÂgling feelÂing in the back of